Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Va. Tech and all that has happened this week

Don't get me wrong, there are some sick and twisted individuals out there. Eventually, alot of these people snap and shit like this happens. But we have to ask ourselves, why did Cho Seung-Hui do this?
Seung-Hui was a loner. Nobobdy really cared for this man. Imagine what it would be like to not have a crew, let alone a friend or two to talk with. Wouldn't be much fun.
We have to lend a helping hand to people who don't seem to go with the flow. A simple "hi" or high five goes a long way for those who look lost. People's mental stability is just as important as their physical stability.
My thoughts and prayers go too ALL of the lives lost.

(Full article on Days of Duff blog)

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